Oh, We’re Just Friends

Have you ever said this, perhaps defensively when out with an opposite sex friend? That’s the context in which this is usually used. But what are we saying? That little modifier, just, implies that this relationship is less important due to the lack of romantic tension and exclusivity.

Maybe that’s fair. Our significant other tends to be (and rightly so) the most important person in our lives. They are, it is to be hoped, our closest confidante and unwavering support. Surely it does not matter if we brush aside people’s hints and implications with this little phrase: “we’re not romantically involved; we’re just friends.”

But think for a moment, on who your closest platonic friend is and why they are that. How difficult it is to find a real friend! People are betrayed and back-stabbed by friends all the time.

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

–Proverbs 17:17

How rare and how precious is a loyal friend! Especially if you are single, your true friends are infinitely important to your development, security, and outlook on life. People might sneer at the idea of friendship being powerful, as though that idea is solely for children, but no! Friendship heals, comforts, saves, improves, teaches, reveals, protects, reminds, strengthens, and feeds our souls that are naturally hungry for intimacy. Pure love and friendship could save the world. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

“Come, Mr. Frodo!’ he cried. ‘I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

The next time you find yourself in a situation to say “We’re just friends”, stop, and stand up straighter, and say with pride, “We are friends.” Because male or female, we need our friends.

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When I say I Love You

To a friend:  I trust you and I am so so grateful to have you in my life.  You make my world brighter.

To a best friend: I would absolutely die without you. You are a support and a comfort and I think you’re an amazing person.

To a lover: I would go through any sort of trial and tribulation just to be with you.  I want to be by your side when the world crashes to pieces.  Being with you is like being home. I adore you.

To a pet: You are the CUTEST.  I will forgive you all your mistakes and buy you the best food I can afford. So damn cute.

To a sibling: You’re a freaking nerd and drive me crazy, but I know you’re one of the real ones.  Together we’re unstoppable.

To a parent:  You aren’t perfect, but I’m grateful that you provided for me and for the lessons you taught me.  You’re pretty cool. 🙂

To God: I cannot begin to comprehend You or what Your plans for me are.  But I want to trust You, and I want to become a better person to be more like You.  Help me, Lord. Let Your Will be done.

Something Beautiful

You walked into my life so casually

And I welcomed your approach so carelessly.

I had my doubts but you kept on

You were an earthquake and you shook down

The fortress of my heart

And presented me with tender, bubbly balloons

of effervescent happiness and playful affection

Which, as it turns out, are exactly the things

That grow best in my heart

With the sunshine of my temperament and the spring rains

of trusting, dreaming youth.

This could be the start of something beautiful.

You jested and joked

Flattered and flirted

Ignominious sinner that you were

Earthquake toppling my preconceived standpoints, solid ground

From beneath my feet and I was falling

Rapidly falling without looking to see if you would catch me

Falling in love.

This could be the start of something beautiful.

Plummeting ever faster,

Uncontrollably toward the craggy floor of a ravine

I fooled myself (oh fool!) into thinking I saw you there.

It was a mirage

Created by the settling dust of the Earthquake.

This could be the start of something beautiful.

The dust was nearly settled

Dismay and Doubt and Fear

Caressed my mind as the gap between

My sorry soul and Despondency grew very very small.

A sudden painful jolt

That caught me from behind; I looked

And saw an Earthquake no longer, but a man.

This could be the start of something beautiful.

Gently and penitently, you drew me up

From that ghastly harrowing ravine.

You gave me an umbrella

That blocks those youthful rains.


The dust has long-since settled.

No more quaking in my heart.

My fortress rebuilt stronger 

Unassailable and unafraid.

I cling to my umbrella,

As I gaze from my castle walls

And I thank God for our friendship;

Your name is a blessing on my lips.

And I have no regrets.

This could be the start of something beautiful.



Photo by Dovile Cizaite

Loyalty is what now?

So apparently I am a loyal person.  I never considered myself as such. It isn’t a very pretty word, and I associate it with golden retrievers. Being a cat person, this mental image wasn’t appealing to me, and I had a subconscious notion that loyalty is a weaker trait. I will emphasize at this point that fidelity in marriage is of the utmost importance to me. It seems that in my mind there was sort of a disconnect between the word ‘loyal’ and its meaning.

But the sudden revelation that the term might be applicable to me when my counselor remarked on my being loyal to my friends.  Even though I see my school friends every day, share laughs with them, and love them dearly, my church friends will always be my best friends, and the closest one is 45 minutes away.   I do not require daily communication to maintain my relationship with these friends. I mean, I relish every moment (well, most) with them and sometimes after not seeing them for a week or two I feel gloomy.

My favorite book, color, animal, movie, and others very rarely change. I have been in love with one guy for two and a half years, even though I haven’t seen him since October 2016(he just texted me a late happy Valentine’s day, so I am super jazzed). I have a preferred gas station. When I think about it, there are a lot of little things that I will always choose over another.(i.e., Crayola Crayons[but isn’t that everyone?])

Maybe it is more a matter of habit than of loyalty.  What am I comfortable with? What have I always done?

Then again, I am very emotionally involved and will defend to the point of ridiculousness Star Wars, Claude Debussy, or whatever else I love that people attack.

Do I genuinely just hate the word loyal? I have no problem with being called trustworthy, steadfast, or devoted. Why have I just now realized that I am loyal? And why do I hate the word?

I solemnly swear that my posting will be as infrequent as ever. But if you took the time to read this, you’re one of my favorites.

May the Force be with you,



Theoretical Heartbreak

Do you ever just want a pair of arms to cry into?  Strong arms, or rather, a strong person who will comfort you and tell you everything will be okay.

My ships are sailing. Translation: Two of my closest friends have recently started dating the guys I’ve shipped them with for years.  I am really overjoyed, because they are really good matches.  But I am also saddened, because things must change.  It makes sense to go to your significant other for advice, to tell stories, and share secrets.  That will take precedence over sharing with your good friend, as it should I suppose.

What if all of my friends get married to amazing people, perfect matches for them, and I am left alone?  I guess I don’t have a problem being single until all of my friends have significant others. and are walking on air.

I wonder if my friends actually consider me an important person in their lives.  I wonder if any has been or will ever be in love with me, and won’t be put off by my excessive emotions, quirky habits, and all of my imperfections.

I could be a nun.  But I still need friends.  I have learned the lesson that I need other people, not just God.  Of course, I need God above all, but I have had to swallow my pride and accept that I cannot live without other human beings.

I love my youth group.  I truly, deeply love them.  I was imagining a what-if scenario where I had to be parted from them permanently, and I confess that I cried in the shower.  My heart would break.

I feel stupid for being so emotional.  Is any sensible person as emotional as I am? Am I a ninny? Will anyone understand what I’m feeling and not judge me for it?  Again, I feel ashamed of my insecurity.

Whew.  This is my most open post so far.  No hateful comments, please.  I just needed to write.  Thank you for your patience.


The Importance of Friends

Almost everyone, at some point of their lives, has a friend or friends.  It is a natural part of our genetic make-up to desire companions who are like us; we want someone to talk to.  It is in our nature to want to share and compare ideas, opinions, and emotions.

Some people have many, many friends. They are extroverts, maintaining their energy through social situations and people. They want to be friends with everyone and will go to great lengths to remain in the good opinion of others, while not relishing in deep personal relationships.

Others have one, maybe two close friends who they rely on, and bond with. Introverted, these people generally prefer to be alone or with their best of besties than to be in large groups.  They typically have deeper relationships than the aforementioned extroverts.

Of course, just because you like parties and meeting new people doesn’t mean you can’t have an intimate relationship.  And just because you prefer a good book and a cup of coffee to a barbeque at your friends house doesn’t mean you don’t have many friends.

Everyone is different, and so are their relationships.  Personally I have many friends, but only three who I truly trust. I tell them more than I tell anyone else, and I know they are there for me.

Sometimes friends come and go, but you should consider yourself blessed if you have one (or more!) friends that stay.

One of my favorite quotes: Friendship isn’t about who you’ve known the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

Signing out,
